Detection of Compromised Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks using GPSR Protocol and Iterative Filtering Algorithm

R. Ramalakshmi, S. Subash Prabhu, C. Balasubramanian


The sensor network is used to observe surrounding area gathered and spread the information to other sink. The advantage of this network is used to improve life time and energy. The first sensor node or group of sensor nodes in the network runs out of energy. The aggregator node can send aggregate value to the base station. The sensor node can be used to assign initial weights for each node. This sensor node calculates weight for each node. Which sensor node weight should be lowest amount they can act as a cluster head. The joint node can send false data to the aggregator node and then these node controls to adversary. The dependability at any given instant represents an comprehensive behavior of participate to be various types of defects and misconduct. The adversary can send information to aggregator node then complexity will be occurred. These nodes are used to reduce the energy and band width.

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