An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Co-location Mining in Uncertain Data Sets using Probabilistic Approach

M. Sheshikala, D. Rajeswara Rao, Md. Ali Kadampur


In this paper we investigate colocation mining problem in the context of uncertain data. Uncertain data is a partially complete data. Many of the real world data is Uncertain, for example, Demographic data, Sensor networks data, GIS data etc.,. Handling such data is a challenge for knowledge discovery particularly in colocation mining. One straightforward method is to find the Probabilistic Prevalent colocations (PPCs). This method tries to find all colocations that are to be generated from a random world. For this we first apply an approximation error to find all the PPCs which reduce the computations. Next find all the possible worlds and split them into two different worlds and compute the prevalence probability. These worlds are used to compare with a minimum probability threshold to decide whether it is Probabilistic Prevalent colocation (PPCs) or not. The experimental results on the selected data set show the significant improvement in computational time in comparison to some of the existing methods used in colocation mining.

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